Ann Harris Bennett
Harris County Tax Assessor-Collector & Voter Registrar

Monday, October 7, 2024, is the last day to register to vote in the November 5, 2024, General Election. Eligible unregistered voters may register to vote, or registered voters may update their voter record by sending a text with #RegisterHarris to 281-702-3900.

Voter Services/Products

The Voter Registration Department has a variety of maps, voter precinct lists and other voter information for purchase. Following is a table showing the prices of the items, and the postage per item, if any. Postage is determined by volume and weight.

Purchases can be made by submitting written requests to the contact information listed at the bottom of this page. Please, no orders over the telephone.

Harris County Maps Price
U.S. Congressional Boundaries$20.00 (free online)
State Senate Boundaries$20.00 (free online)
State Representative Boundaries$20.00 (free online)
State Board of Education Boundaries$20.00 (free online)
Harris County Commissioners Boundaries$20.00 (free online)
Harris County Justice of the Peace/Constable Precincts$20.00 (free online)
Individual district maps for the above political boundaries$20.00 (free online)
Individual Precinct Maps$2.00 (free online)
Harris County Precinct Shape file (CD)$25.00
Precinct Lists
Alpha (by name) or Walk (by address)
Paper Copy (each precinct)$3.00
CD: CD Charge$1.00
Precincts (up to 8 total)$3.00 each
Full County$25.00
Certified copy of actual voter record$5.00
Shipping and Handling$5.00 (minimum)

Items purchased may also be picked up at any of our branch locations. Please specify the Tax Office branch or method of delivery when placing your order.
Please note: (Special orders are priced upon request)

Items may be ordered by using any of the following methods:

  1. In person at any Tax Office branch location.
  2. By email at .
  3. Over the FAX by using the number 713-368-2309
  4. Through the mail at the address:
    Ann Harris Bennett
    Tax Assessor-Collector , Attn: Voter Services
    P.O. Box 3527
    Houston, TX 77253-3527

    Payment in advance is required for all materials, please submit payment to:
    Ann Harris Bennett, Tax Assessor-Collector
    Attn: Voter Services
    P.O. Box 3527
    Houston, TX 77253-3527

    Personal checks and company checks are accepted. Please make checks payable to Ann Harris Bennett.

Main Telephone Number:
Military Help Desk:
713-274- HERO (4376)
Downtown and Branch Offices normal hours:
Monday - Friday, 8:00 AM through 4:30 PM

Location of Branch Offices:
All branch locations can be found on our homepage
Customer Service E-mail Address: (Property tax questions only)
Automobile Title/License:
Ann Harris Bennett Tax Assessor-Collector
P.O. Box 4089 Houston, Texas 77210-4089

Property Tax Payments:
Ann Harris Bennett Tax Assessor-Collector
P.O. Box 4622 Houston, Texas 77210-4622
Property Tax Correspondence:
Ann Harris Bennett Tax Assessor-Collector
P.O. Box 4663 Houston, Texas 77210-4663

Open Government

Privacy Policy

In our commitment to open government, we invite open records requests in writing. Click here to access an Open Records Request form.
Once you have completed the form listing the requested information, you may mail it to:
Harris County Tax Office,
P.O. Box 2109.
Houston, Texas 77210-2109.

Please do not include open records requests with any other Tax Office correspondence.